I was stalked on and off for 9 years

stalked client gives feedback
Posted April 21, 2021 by

Feedback from a client:

I was stalked on and off for 9 years by the same person. During those years I reported it twice to the police and on the second time, he was finally charged. Unfortunately not for stalking, but the highest count of harassment. This is because mine is not the textbook classic case of stalking.

He did not follow me, or phone me, or message me in any way. He used Facebook to message my friends and acquaintances to monitor what I was doing and to gather more information on me. He even messaged a previous employer to ask about my current employment. I found this all very disturbing and frightening. I just wanted it to stop. As this was not a case of me being followed or threatened, it has been very difficult for people to understand the impact this has had on me as its “only online”. This made me very alone and when I went to the police a second time, I was worried nothing would come from it.


The police took it very seriously and it was not long before I was put in touch with Anna from Aurora New Dawn. With Anna, I always had someone in my corner, someone who I could just vent everything to without them becoming bored or thinking I should just get over it. Although all our contact was through emails and phone calls, it was still amazing support. During the preparation for the court case, nothing was too much trouble for Anna, and she was able to keep me updated and would take my questions to the police and ask them for me. The support was amazing because while all this was going on, I still had to work and carry on with my normal life.

My advice to anyone who is getting unwanted communication, is to keep a log of it and report it!

Need help too?

If you are concerned that you are being stalked or would like to speak to anyone about these issues please do not hesitate to contact us at Aurora New Dawn. We are here to offer support to all victims of stalking. We are here and we believe you.

Contact Number – 02392 479 254

24 hour helpline – 02394 216 816

We are also available via all social media outlets – just DM us.

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About the author

Writer in Residence

Sarah Cheverton is Aurora New Dawn's Writer in Residence and a freelance writer and researcher. As well as writing the copy for the Aurora website, Sarah works with the Aurora team on consultation responses, communications and service evaluations. She also works as a Co-Editor for feminist news site Women's Views on News.

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